The Beast's Eliminator

TBE Events feature $5 brackets in addition to the following optional side pots. Optional pots are $5 each.


Open Side Pot

pays each game in qualifying round (HDCP/Scratch/HDCP). 1 in 15 cash. Max score 300.

Ladies Open Side Pot

pays each game in qualifying round (HDCP/Scratch/HDCP). 1 in 15 cash. Max score 300.

Scratch Series Pot

pays highest scratch series in qualifying round. 1 in 10 cash.

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Strike Draw

Bowlers can purchase up to 3 numbered chips. chips will be drawn starting in game 2. throw a strike when you are called and win the entire pot collected. names will be drawn until we have a winner.

Eliminator Pot

Pot is played through qualifying. After game 1, the bottom half of scores including handicap are eliminated. the remaining bowlers continue to game 2. after game 2 the bottom scores are eliminated again. The Highest game 3 scores with handicap from bowlers still alive will win. 1 in 10 cash. max score 300.

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 Crazy 8 Strike Pot

Bowlers will receive a scorecard. mark a “x” on your card in each frame that you roll a strike in qualifying. At the end of qualifying, (8) frames will be randomly drawn. the bowler with the highest verified matching frames will win the pot. Payouts as follows : 8 of 8= 100% of Pot. 7 of 8= 50% of Pot. 6 of 8= 25% of pot. remaining money will carry to future events. any ties will be settled by a single ball, high count roll-off to find one winner. Bowlers participation will be tracked to determine carryover Eligibility.

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Beat “The Beast” Pot

Bowlers In This Pot That Win The Tournament Will Roll One Additional Game Against Marcus “The Beast” Battiest. Defeat The Beast And Win A Brand New Bowling Ball From Sponsor Brunswick Bowling. Handicap Used Will Be The Same Used In The Tournament.


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